Exceptions throw when starting the API Manager 2.1.0
2 min readNov 12, 2017
- This blog written based on WSO2 API Manager 2.1.0 and WSO2 API Manager 2.0.0
- If rabbitmq is active on our machine, this exception can come with the startup of the server.
- Reason for above exception is binding processes to the same port.
- Therefore, we can check the listening ports and applications on Linux using (sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN) command.
- In this example, port 5672 is the bound port. So we can kill the process using sudo kill -9 process_id
- Then we need to stop the server and start the server again.
- But in sometimes to stop the server Ctrl + C is not working. In these incidents, we can use below commands.
- To stop the server we can find the process id of the running server using (ps au | grep java or ps au | grep wso2) command.
- And then we can kill the process using kill -9 process_id command.
- Now, we can up the server without any exception.